Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Spinning and Soapmaking

Yesterday I decided to mix up a batch of goat milk soap. It's now curing and in a few weeks I'm going to hand mill the soap and add the essential oils and other additives. I decided to try a new technique of mixing the base soap and it went very well. If we can get an excess of milk in the fridge in the next day or so, I'll make up another batch of base soap. By not putting the essential oils and additives in at the time of making the base soap, I'm able to make smaller batches of specialty soap--the whole batch is not committed to one scent/combination of scents.

Last night I pulled out the spinning wheel and was enjoying a relaxing evening of spinning alpaca fiber. Captain must have thought it looked like a relaxing spot, too, because he jumped up in my lap and rested there as I spun. I warned him to keep his fur out of the way or he might find himself tangled in the yarn.

1 comment:

sue said...

that is a cocker for you... they MUST be involved with everything/anything!!! this dog certainly found the perfect family!!!!! Ihave found a spinning teacher here in town, she teaches for free on Sunday afternoons, and just charges for whatever materials you might need... so, I think once the cooler/non horse weather arrives, I will get over and begin my lessons... it sure looks like fun and I am anxious to try it.....