Saturday, September 12, 2009

Endless Mtn Fiber Festival

Yes! We made it to the fiber festival!!! The weather was cloudy but the rain held off and we were able to enjoy strolling through the booths at the festival without getting wet or cold. There were many vendors offering lots of fiber, yarn, handcrafted items, and more.
Katelyn enjoyed taking pictures of LOTS of angora rabbits. This is one picture of many. They are so incredibly soft. I was reminded of just how wonderful their fur is when spun so I need to start spinning Arthur's fiber.

Wayne has been doing some rug hooking over the past year. We were intrigued by the punched rugs that were displayed. My grandmother used to punch hook rugs so they hold a special place in my heart. We kept coming back to this booth and watching the woman work on her project.
In the end Wayne did buy a pattern and yarn to make a punch hooked rug. I'm thrilled that he wants to get into this craft and look forward to the end results of his handiwork displayed around the house.
We took Katelyn to lunch--her highlight of the trip--and then picked up Nathanial from college to spend the night at home. It was a fun day of fiber viewing and dreaming of future projects.

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