Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Prayer for a Little Guy

Tonight I received a phone call from my friend Gail. We have been praying for her grandson who took a fall over the weekend and underwent testing to explain some of the symptoms he was experiencing. Today they received the news that 6 year old Deegan has stage 4 kidney cancer which has metastasized to his lung. He goes to the pediatric oncologist in Syracuse tomorrow. Please be in prayer for Deegan, his parents, brother, and the rest of the family...I can't begin to imagine how overwhelmed they must feel tonight. How thankful I am that even though the circumstances in life are always changing, our God is ever faithful and unchanging. He is in control even in this, and we're trusting Him to bring good out of this horrible situation.
Thanks for your prayers...I know he and his family will need and appreciate them.

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