Sunday, August 30, 2009

No Pics--Just an Update

It's been an interesting couple of weeks with 2 emergency room visits with Wayne. The first due to the back injury pain and the second due to chest pain. Thankfully, the chest pain was not cardiac related. In the process of ruling out heart problems the doctors discovered that Wayne had pneumonia and pleurisy (probably due to a rip in the membrane around his lung). He had a few days of R&R along with doses of IV antibiotics and oxygen in a hospital room. He's still dealing with some chest discomfort so it's a good thing he already has a doctor appointment in the a.m.

I took Nathanial back to college today. He had partially moved into the dorm last week, but today we moved the rest of the first semester necessities. It's hard to believe that a year has passed since I dropped him off for his freshman year. Tonight several of his friends ran over to greet him. A couple of the guys helped him carry things up to his dorm room. It was much easier driving away this year than last!

Last night Jonathan seemed to sense that change was in the near future. He kept getting out of bed and going out into the hall to talk with Nathanial. At one point Wayne found Nathanial and Jonathan sitting together on the top step of the stairway having a heart to heart talk about Jonathan growing up someday to be big like Nathanial. What was especially neat was hearing them pray together.

We'll start our home school schedule next week. Somehow I need to finish all those 'summer projects to be done before school starts again' this week.

1 comment:

sue said...

can you believe that we are having to look at the fall schedules again.... I miss summer already, hope we are in the house before snow flies... been keeping you all in prayer!!!!