Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mysteries of Nature

We have a mystery plant that I'm hoping one of our readers will be able to identify...
This came along with a transplant of some thyme I got from my parents' garden when I visited Maine. They don't know the name of the plant either. The blossoms look like a big star before opening.

Jonathan LOVES butterflies and we had a wonderful discovery the other day while walking in our field...a Monarch caterpillar!
We brought the caterpillar and it's milk weed and put it in Jon's 'bug jug'. Two days later we witnessed the caterpillar changing into a chrysallis.
It was amazing to watch. The caterpillar cooperated by performing this miracle before our eyes while the boys were doing their lessons at the dining room table. We called everyone to the room and we watched the process. Now we're counting down the 12 days for it to hatch into a new butterfly. (The due date is September 13th)
Here is Jonathan pointing out his new 'pet'

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