Thursday, August 19, 2010

Peaches, Butterflies, and Glass

Our peaches did very well again this year. We gave away lots to neighbors and friends and the freezer has many bags waiting to become cobbler this winter. As many of you know, Jonathan loves butterflies. Whenever he sees them fluttering around the cone flowers, he yells for me to bring the camera. Here's one of "his" swallowtails.I have to show you some of Wayne's latest glass projects. The transom over our front door was my anniversary gift. This project began about 2 years ago when he bought glass for the window so he could create a window to match the door and sidelights that we got as a special purchase. He started the project only to realize he needed a refresher course in cutting glass. He took the class and we now have a beautiful transom window. Wayne's brother Wes and wife Chris live in Georgia and we don't get to see them very often. Wayne asked his mom what he thought they would like made out of cut glass. A hummingbird was the answer... This New York hummingbird now flies in Rincon, GA overlooking Wes and Chris's backyard.

1 comment:

sue said...

Oh my word!!!! absolutely gourgeous (sp??) I love that "green glass" above the door. Wayne you certainly have a gift... and the bunnies are BEAUTIFUL!!!!! so sorry I haven't had the time I would like to do "computer" things, but glad I didn't miss these blogs!!!!!