Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Our September School Trip

Several months ago we learned of an opportunity to visit Colonial Williamsburg during a special "Home Schoolers Event" in which the admission prices were drastically reduced for home educators. Wayne encouraged me to sign Marc, Rachael, Katelyn, and myself up for the program. Through the efforts of the children saving their earnings from jobs and birthdays and early Christmas gifts from a friend, we were able to head for Virginia last Friday.
We had an added blessing of being able to spend Friday afternoon and evening with our friends Bill and Barb in Maryland. We were neighbors when we lived on Andrews AFB oh so many years ago, so it's always a treat to see each other. They have a great B&B!
The 2 little guys stayed home with Dad for the weekend. They had a good time with lots of picnics in the kitchen and kept Dad from getting bored.

Now, for some reason my "Williamsburg!!" blog will not load up just below this entry. In order to 'view' our trip in chronological order, you have to click onto the "Williamsburg!!" title on the right under the 'Home' section. After that you can come back to the regular blog entries and read on about Jamestown.

1 comment:

sue said...

CAN'T wait to read the rest!!!!