Sunday, September 26, 2010

Jonathan's Butterfly

Several days ago we watched Jonathan's monarch chrysallis hatch and the butterfly emerge. What an amazing miracle! Jonathan was so excited and kept saying, "Happy birthday, monarch!" As it was trying to spread it's new wings, I noticed that there wasn't enough room between the milkweed leaf and the side of the jar. I gently reached in to shift the leaf and the butterfly started crawling up my arm. Before I knew it the butterfly had climbed up my arm and was making its way across my back. We were finally able to get it transferred to some flowers in a vase where it rested until ready to fly. The next morning we put it on the back porch and 'somehow' the butterfly made its way out into the big beautiful autumn world and has been flying around the back yard.
A few days later, Jonathan came into the house excitedly carrying his newest caterpillar to go into the 'bug jug'. He's faithfully collecting fresh milkweed leaves for it to munch on so it'll become fat and turn into a chrysallis. I guess Jonathan plans on farming butterflies!

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