Tuesday, March 4, 2008

O My So Goodness!

"O my so goodness!" was what Jonathan exclaimed as he watched the big excavator take down the house next to us.
The house has been condemned since the flood of 2006 and it's been a lon-n-ng drawn out process for the buy out to take place and the orders to take it down carried out.
It's sort of a bittersweet time...we hated to lose our neighbor who
had become a dear friend, but seeing the empty house deteriorating more and more every day was very depressing. Gary has moved to a lovely little spot about 5 miles from here where there is no danger of a river flooding and causing the foundation to cave in and filling his house with over 2 feet of polluted waters. We're happy he's found such a nice place to call home, but we will miss him...and yes, even his Harley! (Especially Jonathan since he would run to the window whenever he heard the motorcycle.)
It's raining a nasty icy mix at the moment, but just a few days ago we had lots of wet snow which was perfect for snowman building. Katelyn and Jonathan built a 'snowfriend' in the back yard. Now all that remains is a stick on the ground near a puddle of slush.
Sunday a group of kids from the area churches got together and went sledding. Matt loaded all but the 2 youngest in the van and they went for an afternoon adventure with their friends. It was perfect sledding weather and they had a great time...after yesterday's temps in the 50's there isn't much snow left and now we're to have ice for a couple of days.
Spring is coming!

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Me said...

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