Sunday, March 23, 2008

It's been a lon-n-ng winter...

Last fall I posted a picture of part of our gourd crop--freshly picked. It's been a long winter for them to cure and here's the "dried" version...

They don't look very pleasant, but they have dried nicely and some warm day in the next few weeks, we'll wash them and get the molds off. Matt and I are looking at potential projects to make with our crop of gourds...we'll let you see the finished products.
Wayne and 3 of the kids went for a walk down to the river this afternoon. Washed up on the bank was a dried "swan neck gourd". Rachael recovered it and brought it home to add to our collection.
We've ordered several different types of gourd seeds for this year's crop. We hope to harvest some luffa.
Thankfully, the kids have been fairly healthy throughout the winter, but now we're dealing with a nasty cold. Nathanial came down with it first and now 4 of the others have it. Ian is so cuddly when he's sick..."I hold my mommy" is his favorite activity. We knew he was really feeling rough when he asked to do his least favorite activity..."take a bath please". As I type this he is in my lap showing me the picture of Ian and Mommy...he's perked up a bit from that bath. :0)

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