Sunday, February 24, 2008

More pics...

Here are a few more pics from the latest collection...
Jonathan is pretending to be a moth and is flying around the family room.
I love seeing the big guys interact with the little guys. Today Matt took Jonathan with him to deliver some firewood to a friend. Jonathan was thrilled to go with his big brother. It's not unusual for him to go up to Matt on the spur of the moment and give him a hug.
Tonight Ian has been helping Nathanial do the dinner dishes by turning on the rinse water...Ian calls it "playing dishes". I call it future dish washer in training.
This afternoon it got warm enough to sit out on the enclosed side porch and enjoy the sun. I took my spinning wheel out on the porch with me but after awhile I decided to curl up on the lounger and just soak up the sun. It felt wonderful. I also spoke to our neighbor who goes to FL for the winter. She says she'll be back the first weekend in April...that's only a few weeks away! Spring isn't as far away as it seems.
Yesterday as I cleaned out the alpaca pen, Mystifier was a bit rambunctious...he ran and hopped across the pen. Indian Paintbrush decided to show some life, too, so he and Mystifier started wrestling and butting each other...I think they're experiencing some spring fever, too.
I wish I had had my camera when I went out to the barn yesterday. The boys had a new bale of hay in their manger. When I went through the gate all 4 of them came to the barn door and looked out at me. Mr. Wonderful (the tall black one) had hay hanging from his head in several places. He usually looks so dignified and stuffy, but this time he looked comical with hay hanging from each of his ears, his topknot, and his nose. When I went into the barn you could see where he had burrowed a hole right down to the bottom of the manger...and had spread hay all over the barn!
Tomorrow Katelyn and I head to Albany first thing in the a.m. to go to the pediatric dentist. I told her that by going so early (we leave here at 7 a.m.) she'll get her appointment over and we'll be on our way home before her day has barely begun. She's not too eager for the trip, but we try to redeem any dentist appointment trips with a trip to a favorite bookstore in Albany. Somehow it's not as bad after spending some time browsing through books. (Yes, she's certainly my lover that she is!)