Thursday, March 5, 2015

Springing Forward...

The last few months have held a lot of activity which I'll use as an excuse for not posting.

December 31,2014 the Unadilla Artisan Guild officially closed.  Though sad to see that chapter of life end, we are excited to see where new paths will lead.  After taking the month of January to get our bearings, clearing out the shop in February, we are ready to spring forward in March!

Here are some of the projects that have filled the cold days/nights of winter...

Ian & Rachael made an Olaf snowman.

Wayne took a picture of the above glass piece from outside our dining room window.  Matthew helped pick out the glass when he was home for the holidays.

This penguin piece was for a fellow church member's birthday gift:

 I decided to take a break from knitting, spinning, and sewing to do a project in punch embroidery...
 These long, cold winter nights do make me 'itch to spin' so this is the latest creation from my spinning wheel made from roving I acquired from a fellow fiber fanatic in the Albany area...

'Looking forward to the hazy days of summer, but for now we have much to be thankful for in our warm house in the river valley...Keep warm!

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