Sunday, March 29, 2015

Good bye Bit o' Honey and Licorice...

This afternoon Bit O' Honey and Licorice were loaded into the back of their new owner's mini-van and headed west.  As I stood at the back of the van making sure Licorice didn't come out while the 'moving team' got Bit O' Honey out of the barn, Licorice came to me and buried his head into my shoulder.  He has NEVER come to me without the lure of food, and I stood holding onto his horns amazed at his parting gift of tenderness. 

Good-byes are hard, but I am so excited for them to be welcomed onto a farm where 2 young men are planning on taking them in hand.  They plan on  training them to show at the fair AND the sheep will be taking part of historical education events.   Their new 'shepherdess' plans on spinning their wool. 

Since a field trip in first grade I've dreamed of having sheep and spinning wool.  I lived that dream for five years, and though the sheep have moved on, I'm still spinning.  I am blessed.

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