Sunday, January 24, 2010


Wayne has had a rough couple of weeks with his back. There have been trips to the ER for stronger pain meds and tomorrow we will probably be back at the doctors due to another complication. In between the medical trips Wayne maintains his sanity by puttering on projects around the house that aren't too taxing and show a lasting result. Here is a picture of one of his latest projects...
These chairs were given to us years ago by our neighbor to 'break up and throw in the wood pile'. Wayne and I both hate to throw something away that may need just a little TLC to be useful again. He started stripping one of the chairs and found it was made of bird's eye maple. So they never made it to the woodpile and today Marc helped put in a new cane seat on one.A project I've been working on for what seems like forever has been spinning hair from 4 golden retrievers. A woman wants to make a scarf or something from the yarn of her dogs. I finally finished up the order this week.Jonathan is never at a loss for producing new experiences for the family. The other night we were going to grill steaks so I had them marinating on the counter. I was waiting for the water to boil for the rice when Wayne asked me to come look at something. Jonathan joined us a few minutes later and grabbed my hand, "Mom! Come see the snow in the kitchen!" I quickly followed him to find "snow on a mountain" (aka raw rice on the steaks). "Oh, Jon, what am I going to do with you?" He was so proud of himself and his creation.
Yesterday a friend from church came and did the 'family shearing'. She gave Wayne, Marc, Kate, Jonathan, Ian, and our friend Bob haircuts. Marc has 'hat hair' here, but it's not as shaggy as it was. Katelyn wanted to look like "Kit" from the American Girl series. We're not allowed to say she looks 'cute' since she "doesn't do 'cute'." but I do like her hair cut.Here's a picture of Ian, which doesn't really show his haircut, but he hasn't been on the blog for awhile. As I write this he's telling me how sad he is because 'he's such a poor loser'. He, Katelyn, and Jonathan were playing a game upstairs and Ian wasn't happy with how things were going. Someone (who shall remain nameless) told him that he was a poor loser so he came to me in tears. "Mom, I'm just so sad because I'm so poor. I want to be a good winner, but I'm just a poor loser." So on that note I will close and go see if I can comfort and encourage my little boy to be a good winner and loser.

1 comment:

sue said...

OH!!! TWO blogs, what a nice way to start my day.. up early because it's off to the post today!! but a cup of coffee, some wonderful stories to read about, and a bit of quiet time before the "chores" and work is just the thing. I think Katelyn looks cute too!!! and I LOVE -- LOVE those chairs.. the yarn I could also put to good use... hope your day is wonderful and please tell Wayne that he is on my prayer requests today!!!!!