Saturday, July 4, 2009

The newest arrivals...

We received a delivery of pullet chicks the other day to replace Marc's laying flock. (Thanks, Grampa!) The older 'girls' have faithfully been producing eggs for a few years now. Since Marc has several egg customers he needed to get some new producers to keep up with demand. We've ordered some meat birds to be delivered next week so we'll have lots of little peepers in the barn.

And he-e-ere's Pumpkin (Short for Pumpkin Moonshine)...
Marc got his newest addition to the goat herd yesterday. We met Jo Ellen at the Fire Dept. parking lot to transfer pumpkin from the back of her truck to the back of our van. I told Marc on the way home that I never expected that I would be driving goats around in the back of our van.

Marc was very excited last night when he milked Pumpkin and got so much more than he typically does from Twilight. It looks like she'll definitely be earning her keep.
She's adjusting to all the activity on the farm. The other two goats are trying to adjust...they bawled and bawled the point that Wayne actually took a lawn chair out and sat near them so they'd quiet down. As long as there was someone near by they'd stop crying, but when it was just them and the 'new girl' they'd start in bawling again. They were fine once they were shut up in the barn for the night. They are much quieter today.

So, I guess I need to go change our profile to 3 goats...

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