Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Little Things...

I really enjoy the artwork of Norman Rockwell. Today as I was snapping green beans on the porch enjoying the summer afternoon I smiled to myself realizing that I was living a "Norman Rockwellish" scene, and I sent up a quick prayer of thanks.Several years ago I read an article stating that a "Norman Rockwell" lifestyle was a thing of the past, and anyone who believed that such a lifestyle could be lived was living in a fantasy world. The article went on to say that families are too busy to have meals together, spend time on the porch talking with each other, or any number of scenes that were captured in his paintings, and in fact, those paintings were idealistic--the reason for their popularity being that they portrayed a lifestyle which everyone wished for, but no one could ever attain in this day and age. I shook my head sadly as I read that article and wondered why the writer had so firmly declared such things as impossible to experience.Now, I admit, that life at the Jackson household is far from idealistic, but there are moments when I catch my breath and realize that we are living a life with precious moments that are snapshots of Americana. I think what endeared Rockwell's art to so many people is that those paintings captured a moment...sometimes something so mundane that we never really thought of it as painting worthy, but a moment that brought back a memory or encouraged us to strive for what was represented in the scene depicted. Life IS crazy more often than I care to admit, but the Lord has reminded me so often lately to take the time to enjoy the little things. Those little things will be the 'paintings' in my memory gallery in the years to come. What 'paintings' will be in yours?

1 comment:

Mama Sue said...

The most endearing memories to me
are little things made special by
knowing, that God sent them at just
the moment I needed them!!! The sun on the dew and a spider's web! Seeing a picture of a field with cows in my hospital room, when waking up after surjury (far from the country.) The first voluntary kiss from a grand daughter! The beauty of the hills and trees! Laying on the ground with my kids and picking out shapes from the ever changing clouds! A fake fireplace with Christmas lights twinkling in it! Really! Reading stories by a fake bombfire with an electric lantern and twinkling Christmas lights ( at any time of year ) with my kids and hubby or teens at church! A smile from someone who rarely smiles! 29th anniversary lunch at the great outdoor metropark!! Nothing fancy for me, just give me the little things! Mama Sue