Tuesday, January 20, 2009

White days of winter

Often in the rush of getting into the day, I forget to stop and enjoy the beauty surrounding us. The sunrise this a.m. made me take a second look. It was so frosty and quiet as the sun came up over the hills. It was also pretty cold...-10 degrees.

This is "Jackson Mountain" (compliments of our friend John and his John Deere tractor!) The kids have been going to the Town Hall and sliding down the snowbanks at the back of the parking lot. They trudge across our property to the Town Hall with the little boys--typically losing a boot at least once and having to come back for dry socks--but at least it was a place to slide. John has blessed us repeatedly this winter by keeping our driveway cleared after each snowstorm. He provided a snowbank for them to play on and when he realized how much they enjoyed it, he kept adding to it. They are certainly enjoying their own 'mountain', and it sure makes for a shorter trip back to the house for dry socks! (And it's great having such a nice clear driveway and parking area!)

1 comment:

sue said...

nothing better than good friends, who see something to do and do it!!!! they are a true blessing!!! and thank you for the sunrise photo, I have been in a bit of "funk" over somethings, and it was a good reminder to me, that God has it all in his hands... if we chose to fuss over it... that's not His fault, it's our doubt... and shame on us for doing that... tell the kids, that sledding and loving winter is also a good reminder to me.... I don't like the winter as much as I used to, but it is very special in its own way.... I love your blog!!!