Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thanksgiving every day

You don't realize how much you take for granted until you find yourself in a position where your whole life may be turned upside down. This a.m. Wayne told me he was having chest pain with it radiating down his left arm. Matthew was quickly told he had 'child duty' and we were on our way to the hospital. The road to the hospital never seemed so long and all the 'what ifs' were bouncing around in my brain. We arrived at the ER and they hurried Wayne right in and hooked him up for an EKG. After many tests the doctor determined that Wayne was not having a heart attack and that there seems to be a nerve being pinched in his upper chest/arm causing the symptoms. Today's adventure made me think about how much we tend to worry about 'little' things, but when something 'big' happens, you realize just how 'little' those other things are. How thankful I am that Wayne is home and doing okay...still in a bit of discomfort, but nothing like earlier this a.m. It's another Thanksgiving day in the Jackson home.

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