Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas!

The stockings are hung...
The lights are strung...

And the gingerbread cookie baking has begun...

Each year there are certain traditions that take place in the Jackson household. The children's Christmas stockings are special in that all but the last three have been handmade by Wayne. (I made Wayne's the first year we were married.) Katelyn's stocking project has become a multi-year project. It's a very complex counted cross-stitch pattern and this year he passed the major milestone of completing her name. He tells me that after completing this stocking, he thinks I should tackle the next two. I tell him that I can't break the tradition of his making the stockings for each child. All in all, the youngest 3 are very patient with their 'store bought' stockings. The older ones are the most vocal about the 'poor little guys' not having a handmade stocking yet.

Next year we hope to have the front steps rebuilt, but for now the snow is beginning to do a good job of hiding the piles of stones waiting for that project.

It's not Christmas for Matthew until we do gingerbread cookie baking. This afternoon I came home from work to find Matthew and Ian busy in the kitchen trying to correct a very sticky batch of cookie dough. They soon had the problem solved with additional flour. Soon gingerbread men, trees, stars, and just about every other cookie cutter shape, were coming out of the oven and being protected from 'starving' children. Each of the other kids had their turn helping Matthew in the process, but I wasn't quick enough with the camera to catch them.

Tomorrow brings bread baking and cinnamon roll preparation for Christmas morning and then the Christmas Eve church service. I love the sights, smells, and sounds of Christmas and each year our time together as a family is more and more precious.

1 comment:

sue said...

OH>>>> the "famous" Cinnamon buns!!! I have got to get out there for a visit, because I have been promised a batch by my little Racheal!!!! ... c'mon Wayne, what have you been up to that you can't finish three, complicated cross stitch stockings in one year!!! geezzzhhh!!! :-)