Saturday, May 24, 2008


There's one thing we can always count on with Jonathan...He's always willing to take the blame for any mishaps that might occur. Maybe it's because he usually has a part in them! But I have to 'fess up...I am the one who got the fencing caught up in the rototiller. The goal was to get the garden planted (all except for the plants in the greenhouse) and the area behind the chicken house needed tilling. Everything was going fine...after I ran out of gas and Wayne had to run and get more...and after I couldn't get it started again when I put it in neutral to get some sticks out of the I said, everything was going fine. One of the chickens was trying so-o-o hard to get her head through the fence openings to get some of the tasty worms in the newly tilled soil that I thought I could get a bit closer to the fence line for her. I was wrong. By the time I got the machine shut off, it was quite a tangled mess. I sheepishly came around from the back of the chicken house and told Wayne that I had 'messed up big time.' He laughed when he saw what I had done...I am so-o-o blessed to have such a patient husband! In the meantime, the chickens had discovered their chance to escape into the newly tilled garden. Rachael, Wayne and I got the chickens back inside the fence and Wayne cut the fence so we could pull the rototiller back and re-fence the chicken yard. The chickens benefitted by getting a new 'layout' to their yard--complete with fresh grass and bugs. I got back to my tilling and this is the end result of a day's work in the garden. The corn is planted and the other raised beds are waiting for the plants in the greenhouse. Oh yes, the rototiller is fine...though that bit of fencing will never be the same.

1 comment:

sue said...

THAT sounds like something I would do!!!gardens look great, hope to get mine in this week....