Tuesday, May 6, 2008

First of the new chicks

The first chicks arrived on the farm yesterday. These are Araucana chicks that Marc is raising for the woman who is selling him the goats. She doesn't have success with chicks so he's raising them until they are a couple months old. We ordered 10, we got 8, and she's getting 6. The other flock Marc is raising for her should arrive on June 2nd.

Matt and Marc also ordered some for their own endeavors...Matt for pastured poultry/eggs and Marc for additions to his laying flock. His egg business has grown so much that he needs more ladies providing eggs.

Here's Jonathan reading on the back porch and Ian wandering around the back yard checking out how things are progressing on the farm. He looks like a little old man wandering around with his hands in his pockets.

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