Sunday, April 6, 2008

Joys of having little boys...

The other night Ian came to me and said, "Here, Mama. I made a picture of you." Unfortunately, he drew his first picture of me on the magnadoodle so I had to take a picture with the digital camera. I'm not sure what the circle in the middle is...hmmm. When I asked Ian, he looked highly insulted. "It's a circle, Mama." Later when commenting to Nathanial that I had no waist. He reassured me with, "Well, Mom, look at it this way...Your body isn't any wider than your head!"
Later Rachael was doing "little brother duty" and was playing a computer game with them on her lap. After things got very quiet in the study, she opened the door and rolled into the family room and asked for a little assistance. Thankfully, the chair had wheels...otherwise she might have been stuck in there all night.

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