Sunday, April 20, 2008

Brothers and bubbles

Friday Matt and the two youngest took advantage of some beautiful sunny weather. They broke out the bubble solution and the big bubble wand. They made some great bubbles...and memories...Matthew patiently helped them as they struggled to make bubbles like his. Jonathan actually had some success. Ian just loved being a part of it. Matthew brought out a smaller bubble wand later which was more Ian's speed.
We had a very productive weekend...the perimeter fence of the 'permanent' alpaca field is up. Matt and Nathanial worked hard getting that done while the other kids helped get firewood split and stacked. Yes, we're already dealing with next winter's firewood! Actually, the wood needed to be moved before we could move onto the next project...moving the chicken house away from the garden and over to the area where the new goat barn is going to be. We're trying to condense all the outbuildings and enlarge the vegetable garden.
I have peas planted and we've started several different types of seeds indoors. The tomatoes are off to a good start. Lowes donated a flat of cabbage plants to area churches...not many people from our church took plants so we brought home the leftovers...if all of them survive, everyone we know may be getting sauerkraut for Christmas!!

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