Saturday, May 18, 2013

Surprising Revelation...

Growing up I vaguely remember my mother asking us kids to weed the garden.  I didn't do the task very often because I think I put up enough of a stink that Mom probably did it herself rather than deal with my bad attitude. 

Yesterday I was able to spend the majority of the day weeding and mulching my flower gardens.  As I 'played' in the dirt, I realized that I was thoroughly enjoying myself.  I don't know when my perspective of weeding changed, but as I pulled out the various weeds and revelled in the growth of my perennials, I thought to myself, "If Mom saw me now, she'd be amazed!"  My kids don't look at weeding as a "fun" task, and that's okay.  I've found a nice quiet way to relax where I know the kids won't disturb me!

Today the sheep got shorn.  My fat 'teddy bear' sheep look so funny in their new 'skins'.  The early part of the day was quite musical with the goats blatting to get back into the barn and the sheep baaing to get out of the barn.  Since the shearer wanted the sheep to have empty stomachs (it makes it more comfortable for the sheep as they are being sheared) we gave them food last night, and this morning let the goats out to pasture.  Now they are all back together, but the goats are trying to figure out who the strange creatures are and continue to voice their distress over the change in routine.


1 comment:

sue said...

certainly busy days on the farms now... and just what we had been looking forward to all winter!!!!