Sunday, April 14, 2013

Weekend Recoveries

The 'bug' spread to me, and I now can relate to how the kids were feeling.  I've spent a good part of the weekend sleeping and had little energy to do much more than that.

The spinning wheel was dusted off and I sat contentedly spinning a spool's worth of yarn between naps.  This afternoon was the turning point and after plying the yarn I decided to attempt wrapping a warp for my rigid heddle loom.

Last summer Wayne and I found a 'bundle of sticks' at a yard sale in the village.  I had my suspicions that it had something to do with fiber processing and asked how much they wanted for the bundle.  $5 was the asking price and I parted with the money without hesitation.  When we got home, Wayne and I untied the bundle and realized that it was a small warping reel with hand-carved pegs and rods.  Tonight Wayne helped me put it all together, and I reeled the warp for my weaving project on it.  It is amazing to see the ingenuity of the craftsman and I'm thrilled to be able to use such wonderful antique tools in my fiber projects.  I hope to get the warp tied onto the rigid heddle loom this week, but there are several other "to do" items on my list.  I promise myself that I won't have to get sick to return to my loom project--or any of my other 'fiber pursuits' that have been on the back burner due to sewing demands.

Last night I ended up taking Jonathan to the ER due to a severe case of hives.  After his bath he exploded into a rash.  He didn't seem to respond to the antihistamine and the rash was getting worse.  Thankfully, the hives were not in his mouth or throat and the doctor told us to continue treating them the way we were.  It appears he has an allergy to the antibiotic he was on for a tooth infection.  It took 8 days to show, but that is not uncommon--or so we found out yesterday.  Poor Jonathan's face is bright red and swollen into one big mass of hives.  The rest of his body has been covered with a fiery red rash.  He couldn't stand to have any ointments on it, but welcomed a milk/oatmeal bath this afternoon.  Thankfully, tonight the hives are starting to fade on his legs although his feet are still covered with them.  He was so excited to see that they were fading from his legs.  He started yelling, "I'm healed!  I'm healed!"    He's been such a trooper through all of the discomfort.  I don't know if I would have handled them as well as he has!

Katelyn has returned to her normal bubbly self--a sign that she has recovered from 'the bug' and the teeth extraction.  Her typical wit and teasing have returned, and she's been playing her violin and piano again, which is a true sign or recovery.  I so enjoy hearing her play.  Tomorrow she returns to orchestra practice and the regular routine.

How thankful I am that we're on the other side of the week of illness and recovery!

P.S.  We have spring peepers singing!!!!


Unknown said...

Linda ... what was the antibiotic that he was allergic to? I had a similar experience when I was 7 ... hives from head to toe - and everywhere in between! It was erythromycine. Every new doc I run into for treatment of anything, I make sure they know of the allergic reaction. Glad he is recovering/has recovered from it ... definitely NOT FUN!

Unknown said...

Linda ... what was the antibiotic that he was allergic to? I had a similar experience when I was 7 ... hives from head to toe - and everywhere in between! It was erythromycine. Every new doc I run into for treatment of anything, I make sure they know of the allergic reaction. Glad he is recovering/has recovered from it ... definitely NOT FUN!