Thursday, April 11, 2013

Temperatures and Tissues...

Everyone is talking about the warmer weather we had earlier in the week, but the temperatures I'm talking about are the children's. 

The past week has been rough on the kids...sneezing and fluctuating temperatures from a cold/flu virus, an infection of a tooth for Jonathan, and 3 teeth extracted for Katelyn.  Jon is on the couch and keeps mumbling, "Oh boy."  For a normally very active little boy, it seems strange to have him taking naps.  Thankfully, his tooth has calmed down now that he's on an antibiotic.  Hopefully, this 'bug' will have run its course before his appointment with the dental specialist on the 17th.  Katelyn is slowly recovering from the teeth extraction, but the 'bug' has added a twist to the process.

So things on the farm are kind of quiet this week...except for the sneezing, coughing, and 'oh boy' sighs.

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