Friday, September 9, 2011

First came "Irene"

Hurricane Irene blew through last week and left us without power. Though Ian did go through a bit of a withdrawal from his favorite computer games... this is how the kids spent their time...

Whatever did parents do without Legos?!

Rachael even designed some Lego chickens to go with her windmill creation.We were only without electricity for 2 days. Many households were without for several days. Friends let us borrow their generator to keep the fridge and freezers cold.

At the office we prepared for the worst and hoped for the best. We spent the Thursday before Irene was supposed to 'hit' moving file drawers and smaller items to 'above flood stage' height. On Tuesday we were back in the office putting everything back into place. Little did we know that within a few days we'd be repeating all of that work!

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