Sunday, August 7, 2011

A First for Linda

Several months ago I made the commitment to get in better physical shape. I've been putting in a lot of walking miles over the months and have been eating much healthier thanks to a great program called First Place for Health. Each week I get together with a wonderful group of ladies to go over a Bible study and to relearn how we look at food and other things that get in the way of our relationship with Christ. I had made a goal (unbeknown to anyone) to participate in a 5K walk/run within the year. At one of our weekly meetings, Annmarie mentioned that there was an upcoming 5K in the Binghamton area where participants could raise sponsorship for a local crisis pregnancy center. She and I decided that we'd do the 5K together and we prepared for our first 5K walk/run. Today was the day and here's a picture to prove that we both raised enough pledges to receive a free t-shirt on which to proudly display our race numbers! We weren't the last to cross the finish line and we made it through the course under 52 minutes so we were happy. Knowing that we had helped earn money for a great organization was an added bonus. Annmarie has declared that the next 5K will be done under 45 minutes. Who knows maybe someday we'll actually be one of those 'crazy runners' who were done with the race before we had even reached the first mile!

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