Sunday, February 20, 2011

Computer Woes Continue

The diagnosis is in...the motherboard of our computer is fried. Nathanial is letting me use his laptop to check email and post, but it'll be a while before we'll have pictures posted.

It's been another busy weeks with trips to Albany, Binghamton, and Walton (doctors and dentists). This week holds more trips to Walton and Albany. It'll be a highly productive knitting week. (smile)

Signs of spring are beginning to appear such as sap buckets on the maples lining Main Street. I took a walk today and I think I saw the beginning of pussy willows on bushes in the wetlands. (The ice cold water deterred my getting a closer look.)

Last night we had a spaghetti dinner/business meeting for the members of the Unadilla Market Place. The manager of the store made delicious spaghetti sauce and we all brought the odds and ends to finish the meal. We had a great time getting to know each other better and discussing our dreams for the shop. The next few months promise to bring lots of activity and new challenges. This is a great opportunity for all of us in developing our products and businesses as well as bringing a valuable addition to the community. It's exciting to be a part of the development of this new enterprise.

1 comment:

sue said...

been missing you... so glad to see a new blog, even from a "borrowed" computer. I was excited to hear about the shop.. just wishing the best to all of you, it's a great idea. No signs of spring here yet, but I keep looking everyday..... next week is March, that will be nice....