Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Artist in the Making

Ian has developed a great interest in art. Thanks to Little Einstein DVDs and Poptropicia games on the internet he has learned about Vincent Van Gogh, DaVinci, and many others. He's also developed an ear for classical music and is frequently asking me if I like "....." and he'll name some piece of music.

Today Matt brought home a costume that one of his friend's mothers thought one of the boys would like. It's a pirate costume, but with the beret that was in the dress up box, Ian became an artist. Here he is posing for "Miss Tami" who had just finished cutting his hair.
We had no paints (that mom would let him use) so the artist requested that I buy him some when I went to do errands.

Here are the two artists at work. Notice the book on the counter facing Ian. (It's a book of Van Gogh's paintings that we borrowed from the library.) Ian was trying to copy "Starry Night", but he was having a great deal of trouble getting the yellow to stay yellow and not green when it hit the blue of the sky. If it's true that artists can be a bit emotional over their work, then Ian is a true artist. (You should have heard the crying over those green stars!)

Thankfully, we were able to console the young man and he happily posed for the camera before putting his brush down for the evening.

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