Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tarp Crop

The tarps had to come out of storage this evening to cover over the veggies in the garden due to a frost warning. The tomatoes, broccoli, green peppers and 2nd planting of lettuce are under this cover. More tomatoes are covered on the other end of the garden. Pumpkins were harvested today. There are LOTS of gourds hidden throughout the garden. We're going to have lots of fun discovering the unusual shapes and sizes once we can see under all those vines. I'll be sure to add some pictures when those are harvested.
The wood that Wayne's dad cut up for us while visiting in August has made its way into the new woodshed. There's still some to be stacked, but the kids have worked hard to get this much split and stacked this afternoon.
The past couple of weeks have been filled with salsa making and canning, dehydrating tomatoes and summer squash, harvesting/blanching/freezing carrots, and digging potatoes. So far we've harvested a couple bushel potatoes. We still have to harvest our experimental potato tire garden. In the spring we read that you can stack old tires as the potatoes grow and keep covering them over with soil/compost. At the end of the season you're supposed to harvest more than you get with the traditional method. We'll let you know the results when we dismantle the tire towers.
The goats are doing well. Little Creek was 'disbudded' last week and is busy rubbing his head on anything that'll hold still. His dying little horns must itch like crazy. He looked pretty strange where the vet shaved his head before using the disbudding tool. We all enjoy watching the little guy's antics on the logs in the pen. Jonathan loves to go into the pen and play with him. At least we know where Jonathan is when he's in the goat pen!

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