Monday, September 29, 2008

Our Fireman

Jonathan loves everything about firemen and firetrucks. He has mastered the fine art of becoming a fire siren in a split second...often at less than desirable times!

Our friends the Wyckoffs learned of his fascination. Today, John gave our Jon a treasured gift...his old firecoat and helmet.
Jonathan is going around the house with his coat and helmet on saying "I'm fireman Jonathan. Don't play with fire!" He eagerly shows off his new wardrobe to everyone and explains that "Mr. John gave me my fire coat!" Ian was happy to take up Jonathan's "toy" helmet so now we have two firemen in the house...hopefully, we'll only have the one "siren"!

1 comment:

sue said...

seems to me there are picture of Ed... about the same age, and in the same dress..... you could be "in big trouble".........