Friday, August 22, 2008

Changing Seasons

Today marks a new season in our lives...Nathanial leaves for college. Matt has been attending a local college and commuting, but today marks the day when one of the seven leave the nest and strikes out on 'his own'. It's a bittersweet that you look forward to with excitement seeing where God is leading each child, but it also holds some sadness. I'll miss having all 9 of us around the table talking about crazy stuff each evening. I can't think about that right now's packing time, baking day, violin lesson day, and then moving into the dorm. And in the midst of it all I'll be praying for 'my boy' who's become a young man in a blink of an eye.

1 comment:

sue said...

all our very best wishes from Maine... have a great Nathanial...... and Mom... hang in there....