Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Night visitors

To say there is never a dull moment around here is an understatement. The other night we had a visitor that wasn't invited...a bat woke me up as it fluttered around our room and by the time Wayne realized what was going on, it had flown into Nathanial and Marc's room. After discovering it wedged behind a bureau amongst some curtain rods they were able to get it dragged into a box to return it to the great outdoors. The next night as I sat on the back porch and enjoyed the deepening twilight, I noticed quite a few bats flying around...and they were all coming from the direction of the house. I sat watching as 18 bats within 10 minutes came out from under the tin roof on the main part of the house and started flying around. Wayne and Jonathan watched from the backyard the other night and counted 26. I don't mind bats as long as they stay out of the house--especially when I read that they can eat up to 1,000 mosquitoes in an hour. We decided to try an electronic signal device that repels bats and rodents (2 for 1! What a deal!) and hope that they'll at least move to one of the outbuildings instead of the house. It hasn't arrived yet, but hopefully, we won't have anymore unwelcomed night visitors.

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