Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Winding up the year...

Aunt Lori & Uncle Mike have faithfully provided the family with new adventures in their yearly Christmas box.  This year the kids made 'ninjabread cookies' thanks to a special cookie making kit.  We still have the 'melting snowman' cookies to bake.  I'll try to remember to take pictures of those, too...if they last long enough.  The kids made these while Wayne and I were at an appointment and we only saw 2 ninjamen out of the batch.
Wayne surprised me with an early Christmas gift...it wouldn't fit under the tree!

 Ian seems to be enjoying them in this pic...

This Christmas we had the wonderful blessing of having everyone home--including Hannah's mother Susan.  Susan arrived in NY from TX on Tuesday and came with Matthew & Hannah on Wednesday.  Hannah and Susan made the Christmas Eve dinner featuring Johnson family favorites.  (Delicious!)
A reminder of what the season is all about
Abundantly Blessed!

Nathanial & Matthew enjoying their time together.
Christmas Day was extremely warm (low 60's) so some of us took a walk around Buck Horn Lake.  It seemed more like spring instead of the beginning of winter!

Today I was able to take the time to learn how to use my new loom.  It was a HUGE blessing to have the loom already warped so I got right to weaving once I figured out how to readjust the tension and retie some of the warp strings.  I think this is going to be a fun adventure.

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