Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Signs of Spring...

Crocus in bloom, green grass, buds on the trees, and SNOW!  Yes, we are getting a bit of snow tonight with temps 40 degrees lower today then they were yesterday (74 yesterday afternoon!)  New York in April, ya gotta love it!

Last week was a week of being on the road...Wayne had tests done Wednesday in Albany to rule out the return of the cancer.  Praise God there is NO cancer!!!  He goes back to Albany to the oncologist/hematologist for a recheck on Friday when he'll have some blood drawn off since his red blood count is elevated a bit, but we are very thankful that his symptoms are not from the return of cancer.

Rachael went to visit a college on Schroon Lake, NY (3 hours from here) last week for a couple days.  She's decided that Word of Life  Bible Institute isn't where she's supposed to be heading in the fall.  She still doesn't know what she's going to pursue, but she'd like to do something with her art.

Marc visited Otsego Academy which is a 2-year post-secondary residential school for developmentally challenged individuals. (45 minutes from home)  He's prayerfully considering attending this school which teaches life and vocational skills to young adults with the goal of apprenticeship into a regular job at the end of the 2 year course and life skills to live more independently.  It will be a BIG step for Marc, but we know that stretching out of his comfort zone is what has brought him this far and that God has big plans for him.   If Marc does attend Otsego Academy he will come home on weekends to see the family, friends, and farm animals.

I'm busy trying to organize things at the Town Office before my last day (the 30th) to make the transition easier for my co-worker.  I'm really looking forward to being back home and being more involved with the children's homeschooling and focusing more on  home life instead of ruminating over office issues.  It will be a challenge to 'let it go' since the office is visible from home, but I know this is the right thing to do for the family...and for me.

Our neighbor came and cut down our dying maple tree last week.  Thank you, John!!  He and our other neighbor, Ray, helped Marc and Wayne cut up and move the branches and logs.  What a major blessing since hiring a tree service to just 'drop' the tree would have been $500!  We now know where our firewood for next year will come from.

The sheep and alpaca are due to be sheared within the next few weeks.  I'm awaiting schedule confirmation from the shearers.

The baby goats are in with the mama goats and sheep in the barnyard...even the little female that we didn't think would make it.  They are so fun to watch.  The kids run and jump, twisting in mid-air.  The big sheep stand in the midst of all the kids' activity and occasionally let out a deep 'baa-aa' as if to say, "Why am I in the midst of this craziness?!"

We are 'chicken less' right now.  The old hens were sold to a local farmer and the plan is to buy chicks in the near future to replenish our stock.  I'm thinking that my herb gardens may thrive without the constant scratching of the foraging chickens this year.  In the meantime, we're enjoying the eggs from another local flock owner who needs help emptying his fridge from all the eggs the 'girls' are providing.

The peepers are serenading us most evenings but I have a feeling they won't be tonight!  The 'old timers' tell us spring isn't really here until the peepers have frozen 3 times...I think tonight is the 3rd!

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