Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Whirlwind of Days...

Seasons seem to pass so quickly, but summer seems especially fast as the warm days are filled with regular activities in addition to those that can only be done in the summer sun.

We've had the usual trips to doctors and dentists.  Katelyn has developed asthma, but is responding well to the medications.  Wayne's oncologist/hematologist doesn't need to see him until November since his blood tests were so good (Yahoo!)

The past two weeks have been filled with visitors.  Wayne's Mom and Aunt Millie came for a few days before returning to PA for a family reunion and a memorial service for one of Wayne's uncles.  They and several uncles, an aunt, and Wayne's sister stopped on their way to Massachusetts for Uncle Gilbert's burial.  They stopped on their way back to PA for dinner and a quick visit before completing the trip home.

We also had the members of East Wind Gospel Group arrive from Maine last Saturday.  Nancy and Phil spent the night here while the 3 remaining members stayed in a local motel, but we had a great day together Sunday after a concert at our church.  The newest member of the group is from my home town of Pownal, Maine.  We had fun talking about mutual acquaintances and things of "home".

Matthew also made it home last weekend for a visit.  It was great having all the kids together again.

Monday I took Matt back to Bath and then Katelyn to the doctor's for a check up before her upcoming bike trip.  Wednesday was music lesson day, shopping for necessities for the bike trip, and meeting with the Artisan Guild to discuss the reopening of our shop (which is still in limbo).  Yesterday Marc had his monthly black smith lesson in North Hampton, MA.

Today it was yard work day, making last minute purchases for the bike trip and packing for the trip.  Tomorrow we take Marc's and Katelyn's gear to the loading area to help pack the trucks with all the luggage and tenting equipment.  Early Monday a.m. the bikers leave Oneonta and head to Cobleskill, NY where their tour through the Catskills begin.  They'll be gone until next Saturday.  It will seem strange to have only Nathanial, Rachael, Jon, and Ian home (and Nathanial will be working most of the week).

As I mentioned earlier, the re-opening of the shop is on hold for the time being as we await the legal workings of the church organization allowing us the use of one of their buildings.  Our using their facility will not be generating any income for the church, which will be confirmed at the upcoming hearing.  We have no idea how long this process will take, but the local church is very anxious for us to be in the building and not leaving it vacated any longer than necessary.  We are praying that it will be speedily put to rest and we'll be able to open our doors soon.  In the meantime, we're gearing up in production so we'll be ready with ample inventory.

No wonder the days are flying by!

1 comment:

sue said...

and time for a quick blog!!! yeah... love catching up with everyone!!!!