Sunday, June 30, 2013

End of June Excitement

Ever since the closing of the shop in February, the Artisan Guild has been searching for a new home.  It's been very discouraging because there are a LOT of empty buildings/businesses in the village of Unadilla, but for one reason or another, none of them are available for us to rent.  There have been times when we wondered if we were just to give up on the idea, but as soon as the thought was verbalized, there would be a re-iteration by some outside source of how important the shop is to the community.

The other day Wayne received a call from an area church board member offering their parsonage as a temporary shop for the Unadilla Artisan Guild.  The pastor is moving out this weekend and we'll be able to get in to look over the new site either tomorrow or Tuesday.  Depending on how much work needs to be done to set up the shop we could be open very soon! 

Having an active shop again will provide the opportunities for us to pursue other funding to purchase a permanent building for the Guild and provide other growth opportunities for the Guild and the community.  We are VERY excited to see what God is going to do in this next phase of the Artisan Guild. 

The days ahead will be busy as we take stock of inventory, finish new items for the shop, and build displays in the store.  It'll be great working with all the wonderful artisans again.  They've become like family and it's been strange not seeing each other on a regular basis for the past few months.

How neat it is that a church has provided a means for the community to regain a business.  We are blessed!

1 comment:

sue said...

how cool is that... isn't it always amazing when the gift of God steps in.. and things suddenly seem "so simple'... best wishes..keep us posted!!!!