Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Yes, I, too, am wondering where all that wonderful spring weather is.  The snow has faded from the lawn, but there is still the remains of a 'snow beast' in the backyard and my daffodils are at a standstill after that last blast of winter.

Jonathan and Ian have been busy digging a pit in the garden.  Jonathan thought he'd dig a tunnel from the garden to the swing set, but then decided that he needed help.  Ian didn't agree to helping, but between the two of them they get enough mud caked onto their clothes that they are emptying the pit even if they don't use a shovel!

Dwalin the goat kid is growing like crazy.  He loves to run around the backyard following Marc as he does his chores.  Mavis (the mother goat) is doing better after a slight surface infection of the udder.  We had to give her antibiotic injections twice a day--I NEVER expected my medical training to be used on goats!

We're still looking for a new location for the Unadilla Artisan Guild.  Wayne is working on another cut glass design and I have 3 quilts in various stages of completion.  The other artisans are busy, too, and we all look forward to the day when we can open a shop again.

The quote of the moment...When discussing the importance of Palm Sunday at church, the question was asked what Palm Sunday was.  Jonathan quickly answered, "Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem."  Ian added, "The donkey's name was Eeyore."  (Now, I bet that's a bit of information you hadn't heard!)

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