Thursday, February 21, 2013

An Even Bigger Surprise...

This morning Katelyn went out to the barn to do her chores and came back in with a quizzical look on her face. "Dad, did we get another goat yesterday that I didn't know about?"


"I think Mavis had a baby during the night." Wayne got his coat on and went to the barn.  Sure enough, we had a new kid in the barn cuddled up against 'Bit of Honey' the merino/cormo ram. 

The 2 youngest are discussing names, but from what I hear, Marc has decided on a movie character's name "Dwalin" (from the Hobbit). 

By all accounts (especially the blat!) this little guy is strong and healthy.

I think we better go check on those other goats to see if any other surprises may be arriving.

1 comment:

sue said...

oh... how wonderful, that would be a great start to my day!!!!! hope there are more surprises... (and I am SO happy when I see stories to read!!!)