Sunday, March 13, 2011

What's new with the animals?

Without pictures, I forget to type updates on the latest happenings with the animals.

This past Thursday Marc and Katelyn took a goat and a rabbit to the local library. The local preschool visits the library once a month and the librarian tries to schedule special events to coincide with what they are studying. The current theme has been community helpers and farmers were the focus for this month's visit.

Katelyn's rabbit Louis was a big hit with all the children. He sat very patiently as each child took a turn petting him. Marc stayed outside with Mavis until we were done with Louis since Mavis was very vocal on the way to the library. She was very well behaved and quiet in the library-- much to the children's disappointment. They wanted to hear her blat. Mavis nuzzled the children as they crowded around her. She didn't start making loud noises again until she was loaded back into the van and on her way home. Her brother had been 'yelling' for her since Marc had carried Mavis to the transport crate. He was relieved to see his sister return and the barnyard resumed its normal noise level.

The chickens are out of their coops scavenging seeds and food around the lawn and garden. They are very happy to be out and about again--rewarding us with many eggs.

The spring thaw and rains have not led to the flooding that was predicted. Thankfully, the rain has been sporadic and the nights have been cold enough to slow the runoff so the river has moved the waters within its banks in our area. The Canadian geese are returning! Spring is just around the corner!!

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