Friday, June 18, 2010

Another Busy Week

Since I can't add pictures to the blog yet, I decided to get creative with the background. I found some new templates to pick from and thought this was a neat one.

The week started with another trip to the ER with Wayne due to severe back pain. Six hours later he was sent home under the influence of heavy pain killers.

Tuesday it was another trip to Albany Medical Center for last week's test results. The results indicated that Wayne needs to undergo another test this coming Tuesday, with those results coming on July 1st.

Wednesday it was the girls' music lesson day. I was able to do some last minute birthday shopping while they were at their lessons. Rachael was able to spend the rest of the afternoon with a friend.

Wayne has been working on Fathers' Day gifts for the men in church. He and Bob have put together approximately 26 cut glass crosses over the past couple of weeks. (I'll try to get a picture to add later.)

Matthew took all of his younger siblings (minus Nathanial) to see the movie TOY STORY 3 this afternoon. It was the first time inside a movie theater for Jonathan and Ian and they did well. Ian did get bored about 1/2 way through the movie and decided he needed a snack. Marc came to his rescue and bought a treat from the snackbar so Ian decided the movie theater was an okay place.

This afternoon I was able to play with some fiber. The sun was out and the humidity was low so I pulled out ALL the alpaca fiber (including previous years' fleece that I hadn't sorted) and did each animal's fleece completely by grade. Now that the fleeces have been graded, I can clean, dry, card, and spin each grade separately resulting in a better quality yarn. When you have mixed grades carded together, there is an increased 'prickle' factor making the yarn less desirable. I've been wanting to tackle this 'grading project' since I attending the Alpaca Symposium last winter. I finished all but Peter (white Suri) and Mr. Wonderful (black). Peter is about 1/2 done. His takes a lot longer to skirt since vegetable matter really sticks in the long locks of fiber. Mr. Wonderful shouldn't take long. He doesn't have great quality fiber, but I'm hoping to salvage at least a little from him. I may experiment with felting some of his fleece.

Jonathan continues with his fascination of caterpillars, and I continue to remind him to keep them OUTSIDE. Tonight he brought one upstairs to show me. I told him to take it back outside. "Mama, it's not nasty, it just needs to grow up." I once again explained that they can only grow up outside. A few seconds later I heard his sweet little voice asking, "Mom, did you see where my caterpillar went?" After a few minutes of searching, we found the creature and it was quickly removed from the house.

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