Friday, December 4, 2009

Belated Thanksgiving Pictures

We did take photos on Thanksgiving Day, but I'm just now getting them posted. It was great having everyone home and having Mom J and Dan here as well. We filled the table to overflowing. (Some day we'll find the other table leaf!) Somehow I didn't get Dan's face in the pictures--or were you ducking when I snapped the pic, Dan?

Jonathan was happy to have a Thanksgiving peanut butter sandwich. Hopefully, some day he'll expand his diet to include a regular Thanksgiving meal.

They told me that I had to add this to the post to show the person behind the camera on the other shots.

1 comment:

sue said...

I absolutely agree.. it was wonderful to "see" you.. though I get the same comments... "you are always taking pictures and arent in any" (maybe we do that on purpose?) I wished I had thought of this sooner.. I saw somewhere that the "kids" table was covered with brown paper and that crayons were left beside each plate so that while waiting for the meal the kids could decorate their own little table!! I thought that was a good idea that I shall use in the future.. but your "liitle ones" might enjoy that now..... doesn't look like I'd be traveling out your way any day soon, but the winter is long!!!!