Saturday, February 14, 2009

Activity...or in some cases no activity

With February comes the yearly pruning of the fruit trees. We have 2 very old apple trees which we've enjoyed fruit from, but they were not pruned before we bought the house. We've been slowly working on them each year. Matthew decided the other day that it was time to "do the deed" so he climbed up with the chainsaw and took out a few of the branches. The goats and rabbits have enjoyed nibbling on pieces of the branches. Katelyn used the bigger branches to work on a fort she's building on the remains of "Mt. Jackson", which is getting smaller with each sunny day.

Jonathan has been busy being a fireman and reminding us to 'stop, drop, and roll' and 'do not play with matches!' The other day he decided to take a break on the kitchen floor before he went off to remind his siblings of other important fire safety rules.

Ian is slowly recovering from his bout with the cold and we got this picture of him and Captain the other day. This is to prove that Captain does not play favorites and likes to catch a nap with each family member. He loves to race around in the morning and have us "wrestle" with him...of course this always ends with a good ear scratch which puts his stubby little tail into hyper wag. Occasionally he and Brittany have a contest to see who can get the tennis ball first when someone rolls it across the floor. He is gracious and lets her win a few times.

1 comment:

sue said...

Oh Linda, I just love seeing pics of the kids... that Jonathan... he is near and dear to my heart.. and seeing him as "firefighter"!! just takes the cake!!! and Captian.. I know that is just the life Brian wanted him to have.... be careful doing those trees!!!! half way threw the month... yaahhh!!!!