Saturday, April 3, 2010


I just realized that it's been quite a while since my last post. A lot has been happening.

There have been lots of trips to Albany for doctor appointments and medical tests. Wayne had the neuro-stimulator implant surgery on the 30th. Everything went well and as soon as they turned on the implant device, the 'normal' back pain faded. He's dealing with the pain of the two incision sites now, but is slowly gaining ground. We're awaiting the scheduling of a PET Scan. The kidney surgeon wants to check out his kidney more closely after seeing the CT scan results. Hopefully, it's just scar tissue they are seeing.
The kids have been doing a great job keeping things running here at home. Nathanial has had the past week off and Matthew has the coming week off from classes.

I've been working several days to cover for my boss who had eye surgery.

In the midst of all, I've been busy knitting and spinning whenever I have a few moments. I finished a sock while in the pre-op room, completed 3/4's of a sock during and after the surgery. I tease Wayne and tell him that he's doing his part in assuring time for knitting.

The 2 youngest boys are anxious for summer so they can get the swimming pool out. We're having temps in the low 80's so I can understand their confusion.
Yesterday I went to a web-building workshop at the cooperative extension. Keep your eyes open for our new website at: which hopefully will be up and running in the next couple of weeks.
It seems like all our guys are thinking of ways to make money. Here is Ian's Lincoln Log cabin, hand constructed, and only a mere $3. Unfortunately it did not stand up to 'hurricane Jonathan', but I'm sure if you're interested in similar real estate, Ian can provide a new model.

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