Sunday, December 20, 2009

Kate's Critters

This time of year brings lots of activity and excitement. The 2 little boys are bursting with energy (I wish I could figure out how to transfuse some!) and wake up every morning yelling, "It's Christmas!"

Captain decided to take a break from all the activity...
The kids are always happy to see the two dogs getting along. The other day they took this shot of the dogs 'holding paws'. (I'm not sure if it was a staged shot or not, but it's still cute.)
Katelyn has been researching and looking for an angora rabbit doe to be "Arthur angora's wife". She thinks it'd be great to have baby angoras to harvest wool and sell to other spinners. A good friend has listened to her talk about this endeavor for months and told me that if I could find an angora doe he would buy it for her Christmas present (and mine since I'll have first chance at the wool). I've been talking with a breeder in western PA for several months and she had a pearl doe ready to find a new home. Yesterday Katelyn and I drove out and picked up the newest addition to the farm. Let me introduce you to Sophia (formerly known as Calypso) a.k.a. Sophie.
I think the move has been a bit of a shock to Sophia...She came from a very posh rabbitry, but I think she'll get used to the new digs and with some love and attention warm up to her new owner.

So now the rabbit count on the farm is 4, but that could be changing soon!

1 comment:

sue said...

ohhhh>>>> she is beautiful!!! and if you get some wool spun from her (them) I would LOVE to buy some!!! congrats!!! funny how this "farm life" has a way of bringing the "critters" in, and even better when they come with a "job"....