I have been informed by several people--including Katelyn--that I need to update the blog. My biggest challenge is getting to the computer!
Since my last post...
The 'rhodies' have bloomed...

Wayne and I celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary. How can it be "26" already?!?!
We've had a couple more birthdays. Ian turned 6 on Monday and what a difference a year has made. Last year he screamed whenever he got his face wet. This year he's been after us since the middle of May to get the wading pool out. For his birthday he got a new wading pool and Ian has been in it more than Jonathan! Water in the face is no longer a problem. Thankfully, the weather has cooperated and has provided perfect pool weather.

Though Jonathan is dreaming of going to the beach!

The garden is almost all planted. I have a few more seedlings to slip in, but the majority of the veggies are tucked in and starting to grow. The kids helped build Wayne a raised bed section so he might be able to enjoy some garden time this year. The garden has always been a favorite summer activity for Wayne, but since the back injury, he's had to give it up. Hopefully, the raised bed will make a big difference.
Matthew is really enjoying his internship at the radio station. He's also had the adventure of a black bear stopping by while Matt was grilling with friends. Nathanial's comment..."Depending on which friends this could end up in one of three ways: (a) "Everybody get inside", (b) "Everybody make lots of noise and scare it away." or (c) "Hey, look! More meat for the grill!" Katelyn's response to Nathanial's comment..."Well, if they picked option (b) they could sing "baritone" the Winnie the Pooh theme."
I finished another quilt for the shop...

We're winding down with school. The 3 middles will be taking their standardized tests over the next few days, the quarterly and end-of-year reports submitted to the school district, and then summer break will be 'official'. I have lots of summer projects I want to tackle over the next few weeks. I'll try to get their progress posted--if I can get to the computer!