Monday, May 24, 2010
Exciting News Update
This afternoon Katelyn and I took Sophie a treat (a carrot and some goat milk) and checked to see if the little 'fur pile' was still moving. It is. When I went to leave the barn, I reached up to take out the plastic bag I had placed one of the dead kits in this morning. As I picked up the bag, I realized that something was moving in the bag...the 'dead' kit was breathing and moving! We placed it gently back into the nest and hope that Sophie will accept and nurse it. Thankfully, I was wearing plastic gloves when I picked the kit up this a.m. so it didn't have my scent on it. I wonder if she had given birth to it on the cage floor and that was why it was so cold and lifeless. By putting it in the plastic bag and leaving it on top of a spare cage it must have been like an incubator for the little kit. We'll keep you updated on the 7 little ones in the days to come.
Exciting News
Katelyn has some exciting news...Sophia has given birth to 8 baby rabbits. Two have died, but we believe that there are 6 still living. We'll post pictures when we can get close enough without scaring Mom Sophie.
The Blessing of Family
It's always wonderful when we can get together with our extended family. I wish I had remembered to take pictures while with my family in Maine, but unfortunately, I didn't so I don't have any to post. But I do have photos that were taken yesterday just before Mom J and Dan left for the long drive back to Georgia.
Wayne and Mom J.
Mom J. with her eldest and youngest son...

Fun with Family

The kids pulled out our giant bubble maker and showed Gramma how to make huge bubbles.

Jonathan's Birthday
Jonathan turned 7 on Friday, the 21st. He had a special gift this year in that Gramma J. and Uncle Dan arrived on Tuesday and stayed for a visit until the 23rd. Gramma made his birthday cake...
Back in December or January Jonathan went to the store with our friend Bob and they looked at the toys. Jonathan discovered a big set of Legos that was a fire station and accessories. He really wanted to buy it, but Bob explained that it was too expensive and maybe he'd get it for his birthday. Bob didn't realize how good a memory Jonathan can have when he sets his mind on something. For months I have been asked, "How soon is my birthday? When I turn 7 I'll have the most expensive Lego fire station set, right?" I priced the set several weeks ago and Wayne and I decided it was too expensive. We resigned ourselves to having to explain to Jonathan that sometimes you have to settle for something a little less expensive and be thankful for what you have. While I was in Maine I went to a store to look for gifts for the family back home in NY. I strolled through the toy department and looked up...there was the Lego fire station set at $30 less than the price in NY! I called Wayne on my cell phone and he told me to go ahead and purchase it. This was the look of joy when he opened the present...
He also got another set from Bob that had more fire equipment.
The great thing about Legos is that the whole gang enjoys creating with them. It's great seeing the kids having fun building together.
The other highlight of the day for Jonathan was Wayne getting the small, inflatable swimming pool out and ready for 'swimming'. Jonathan, Ian, and Katelyn had a wonderful time for the rest of the afternoon.

Boy Scout Celebration
On May 15th the Boy Scouts had their centennial celebration. The first Boy Scout Troop was established here in Unadilla so Unadilla hosted many troops for the celebration. There was a parade, which the girls attended with a friend. (Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of Troop 1, but Delhi is a nearby town.)
There were several activities on the community field and evening brought a beautiful fireworks display. The great part of the fireworks display was that they shot them off on an island in the river so we could watch the whole show through the girls' bedroom window (no bugs to slap!).

Sunday, May 16, 2010
My Mothers Day Gift
My wonderful husband and children gave me a wonderful gift for Mothers' Day this year...a trip to Maine with instructions to r-e-s-t. I drove to New Hampshire Saturday morning to attend the NH Wool Festival. The weather was wet and cold, but I still enjoyed browsing through the vendor booths and brought home some more fleece to spin.
On Sunday I went to my parents' and 'surprised' my Mom. (Dad figured out that I was coming since I hadn't called on Saturday and wasn't home on Sunday a.m. when they called me to wish me a happy mothers' day.) I had a wonderful visit with them and got to see some of my siblings.
I headed back to Acton, Maine to spend some time at my friend's 'little camp' on Wilson Lake. This is Sue and Ed's camp...
and this is the view from the camp...

What a blessing to have such a beautiful place to unwind. I had a wonderful time visiting with Sue and her family. We went to a quilt shop, fiber shops, an alpaca farm, a talk on button collecting and antique buttons, and we just enjoyed spending time together doing the 'regular things' of life. I got to help with the night time chores at the barn (and was welcomed by 'Mr. G' the guinea fowl). If you want to check out Sue's blog, there are lots of pictures of our time together and her farm ( ).
One of the things we had planned on doing while I visited was to have a spinning lesson. On my last evening in Maine we pulled out the spinning wheel and got to work. Sue did a great job and even finished a small skein of 'designer yarn'.
We had so much fun, and I was able to have a full week of relaxation with NO doctor appointments! Hopefully, my family will receive a gift now that I'm home...a wife and mother that is in a much better state of mind.
On Sunday I went to my parents' and 'surprised' my Mom. (Dad figured out that I was coming since I hadn't called on Saturday and wasn't home on Sunday a.m. when they called me to wish me a happy mothers' day.) I had a wonderful visit with them and got to see some of my siblings.
I headed back to Acton, Maine to spend some time at my friend's 'little camp' on Wilson Lake. This is Sue and Ed's camp...

One of the things we had planned on doing while I visited was to have a spinning lesson. On my last evening in Maine we pulled out the spinning wheel and got to work. Sue did a great job and even finished a small skein of 'designer yarn'.

Crustacian Critters
A trip to Maine is not complete without making a lobster run and bringing back lobsters for those who love the 'taste of Maine'. I had orders for several of these critters and happily stopped by the lobster pound on the water front the morning of my trip home to NY.
Jonathan was fascinated by them and wanted an explanation for all the parts of a lobster.

More Maine Pictures
There is nothing like the state of Maine. I love going back to my 'old tromping grounds' and revisit the places we experienced when living there.
This neat building was formerly a school house where our landlord's wife (when we lived on the farm in Milton, NH) taught for many years. When the schools were consolidated this little school became the library.

When my friend Sue was teaching her dog obedience classes I took the opportunity to walk the beach at Wells, ME. One nice thing about going to Maine at this time of year is missing all the summer crowds.

A fellow spinner who attends Sue's church invited us over for a visit. While talking she told us about a patch of Lady Slipper plants. It's been years since I've seen lady slippers. What a beautiful, huge patch of the unusual flowers.
This neat building was formerly a school house where our landlord's wife (when we lived on the farm in Milton, NH) taught for many years. When the schools were consolidated this little school became the library.

When my friend Sue was teaching her dog obedience classes I took the opportunity to walk the beach at Wells, ME. One nice thing about going to Maine at this time of year is missing all the summer crowds.

A fellow spinner who attends Sue's church invited us over for a visit. While talking she told us about a patch of Lady Slipper plants. It's been years since I've seen lady slippers. What a beautiful, huge patch of the unusual flowers.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
More spring pictures
Our neighbor's flowering crab apple tree always puts on a beautiful display. Wayne got this picture before the wind and rain hit.
Here's a picture of the latest addition to Marc's goat herd. This is Ivory. She's fitting in nicely and supplying us with lots of delicious milk.
We've had such an increase in the milk supply that I'm making goat cheeses. Today's cheese was a soft chevre, and it looks like I'll be making some mozzarella cheese next. I want to try yogurt soon.
Matt found the goats in a pile this a.m. and had to take a picture to share...

Matt found the goats in a pile this a.m. and had to take a picture to share...

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