The past couple of weeks have been a challenge in health issues and frustrations, but last night Wayne and I were able to look back and realize how the blessings outnumber the difficulties...
Yesterday afternoon a friend took Ian for a ride in his truck while his wife had coffee with me. Ian had a wonderful time talking about cows, touring the hardware store while eating an ice cream and gummi bears, and downing a bottle of strawberry/kiwi lemonade. When they returned, Ian had a wonderful time of recounting his travels with Mr. John. I, as always, enjoyed visiting with Stephanie over a cup of coffee.

(This is Ian "dusting" his newly shaved head.)
Later our friend came and mowed down the brush on the edge of the field and moved big chunks of an oak tree up closer to the woodshed so it will be easier for the boys to cut up and split.
Wayne was feeling really rough yesterday and knowing that the fire wood supply for winter was right outside the woodshed door was a great encouragement.
As I was finishing up the dinner dishes, I heard someone at the door. Our former neighbor Gary had stopped in for a visit. We pulled up chairs on the side porch and listened to Gary tell us one entertaining tale after another before he climbed back onto his Harley to head home.
In the early evening I looked out the window to see strangers in our side lawn. They had gone to the drive-in up the road and since it wasn't dark yet, they decided to take a walk. The goats were making a ruckus, which got their attention. They saw the chickens and wondered if we sold eggs. We had a couple dozen so while they were paying for them, they saw the alpaca. They called their children who were still back at the drive-in and told them they had to come see the animals. It was great showing them the animals and letting them have an up close and personal view of the chicks, rabbits, alpaca, dogs, and goats. (They live in NYC but have country homes about 40 minutes from here.) After they left, we realized once more how the little things we take for granted...and sometimes dread dealing with (i.e. dirty barns)...are blessings, and how wonderful it is to share those blessings with others.
Katelyn painted this sign for Wayne's Fathers' Day gift. It's by our driveway flower garden greeting everyone as they arrive. This little plot of land truly lives up to its name.