These are the last 48 of 192 crescent rolls that have come from our kitchen this week. That is not counting the rolls I've made for my baker friend who asked if I'd like to try selling some at her space in a local store. (Those were an additional 144.) It's a good thing they are easy to make. The kids were afraid we wouldn't have any, but I put some aside for Christmas dinner. The cake in the foreground is part of our traditional Christmas trifle.

I love this picture of our eldest and youngest resting after a very busy day. Matt worked all day--extra hard so the store would be all set and stocked for the day after Christmas. Ian played hard all day--tromping around the field with
Dad and playing with the rest of the kids.

I'm making our traditional Christmas morning cinnamon rolls with Matt's "help" (harassment!) That's Nathanial coming through the doorway.
The cinnamon rolls are from a recipe in MISERLY MOMS and taste just like TJCinnamons rolls that I used to love getting at the mall when we lived in Maryland. They are so addictive we only have them on Christmas and Easter. I did break down and double the batch this year.

Katelyn enjoying a Boxcar Children Mystery that she opened for her Christmas Eve gift. The sweatshirt was a surprise from Rachael and Dad who found it in a thrift store this a.m. while out doing errands.

Jonathan eager to tackle the presents...actually he's had a very busy day. I was interrupted while wrapping presents so I shut the door to our bedroom and went downstairs. Later I noticed that Jonathan hadn't been heard from in a while. I asked Nathanial to check on him...he was in our room playing with one of his new toys! I finished wrapping later this afternoon and was doing dishes this evening. Jonathan disappeared again. Katelyn went to find him...he had opened the biggest box in the pile and was examining a new globe. He finally got to open one gift without getting into trouble just before bedtime...a book which will hopefully keep him occupied until he falls asleep!
Speaking of sleep...I have a feeling it'll be a very early morning so I'll close for now. MERRY CHRISTMAS!